Saturday 19 February 2011

Wet, wet, wet.

At 6am this morning it was blowing a gale and pouring with I texted SS and suggested we gave our walk a miss and met at the gym instead......her reply was along the lines of 'stop being a wuss and get your butt into gear', so I met her at the top of Newtown Road, at the dark, and wet, and wind, and we headed off for circuit no.1 of Greenham Common.

 SS had even managed to talk Cheryl (the physio) into coming with us, so at least I had someone to whinge along with as first my feet got wet, then my legs, and then my gloves decided not to be waterproof! Breakfast stop no.1 couldn't come quick enough, and we trudged into Costas, wearing more of the Common than usual for cappuccinos and cake.

SS's theory was that as we were wet (soaked to the skin) we might as well carry on walking as we couldn't get any wetter (??!!) so after grabbing some vegetable bags to put on my hands underneath my gloves to help with the waterproofing (worked a treat for future reference!!) we set off around the common - again!!
Like last week, we dropped down through the farmyard at Crookham, used the local amenities (the tree trunk toilet stop) and walked along the canal into Newbury....where Cheryl finally cottoned on to the fact that SS definitely lived up to her name and beat a hasty retreat home!
SS had promised me a starbucks, so breakfast no.2 was had there, and because by this time there was definitely no way we could possibly get any wetter, we walked back the way we had come, and got muddier and muddier instead.

Chris rang just as we were nearing home to say that he was heading of to the local rugby match and was I near the college so that he could hand the dogs over, so rather than a quick trip home to a soak in the bath, it was a few extra miles with 2 hyperactive dogs. Mali gave SS a run for her money though, being very naughty and causing us to walk backwards several times, peering under hedges to see where she had got to!!
So much for the soak in the bath too...Mali was so filthy, we ended up in the shower together!
So, cold, wet, starving, but another 28 miles training...job done!!

And I might just add......looking at my brothers blog -
he skived today!! tut tut!

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