Monday 28 February 2011


After listening to the same music for AGES I decided to re-jig the iPod! I spent a good while last night going through Chris's CDs and now have a nice mix, aptly called 'fast run mix' ready for the gym!

I tried it out today whilst doing a good 30 min run on the treadmill, and found it very ironic that the last track was 'Human' by the Killers, as I looked anything but - red, hot, sweaty, stinky, and then came the lyrics, "and I'm on my knees"...ha ha, very funny!!

This was followed by a few songs from the Shrek soundtrack, to accompany me doing a circuit of upper body weights, and then, as the pool was empty of kids, I couldn't resist trying out the new swimsuit...on the way to the jacuzzi!!

My foot is definitely feeling better with running rather than walking, but I get this guilty feeling that I'm not working hard enough as it does seem just for SS, I took the dogs out and did the 3 mile Newbury loop...just to make her I know she'll check up on me...she's only human.......

Saturday 26 February 2011

Rest Day.....!!

So.....resting my foot this weekend.......

Which meant up at 6am, and meeting SS at the top of the road just before 7am. We had decided to only do one circuit of the common today (as I was resting!!) which meant 8 miles before a cappuccino and chocolate twist.
The common was very wet and boggy underfoot, but the sky looked promising until we reached the furthermost corner from Costas (Thornford Park end), and then the heavens absolutely soaked...........the only consolation we had was that Chris was out playing golf in this!!

So, as mentioned, back to Costas for a breakfast and drying out stop. At this point, SS decided to go and do another circuit of the common, and I headed home to collect Mali and Golda as they needed a 'quick' walk. I ran home, and as bizarre as it sounds, running actually makes my foot feel better than walking, so I decided that instead of a quick walk, the dogs could have a run with me instead!

We headed along Monks Lane, and Elizabeth Avenue, I actually walked this as both dogs wanted to sniff and use the toilet facilities , but then we dropped down into the corn fields leading behind Enborne (which was a run/slip/slide due to the mud/clay/puddles!!) and then we headed for the canal and jogged along the canal, (Mali cheated by jumping in the canal and swimming along side, obviously thought it was a dualathalon!!) through into town and then up the hill home.

Cold, wet, muddy, tired.....13 miles.....perfect rest day!!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Poorly foot :-(

I went to see my GP on Wednesday with a poorly foot. Since Saturday,  as previously mentioned, my left foot has been playing me up.....time to see the GP.  I was a little concerned I might have a 'march fracture' or 'stress fracture', as I'm a bit of a plodder, but the doctor confirmed that it's just a soft tissue injury, and to rest, and maybe fork out hundreds of pounds for a physio.

So as all good health professionals do, I went running with SS instead!!

To be perfectly honest, I have rested it from walking this week, Chris has taken the dogs out, and I have run once on Wednesday with SS. Running is fine, whether it's because I'm wearing my asics with a bit more support ( for the over-pronation) or whether it's because I find running easier (??!!) my foot doesn't hurt until I stomp again!!

We met at the gym, and did a 30 minute pelt along the treadmill, and then did our normal circuit of weights. This was then followed by lunch, as we had a lot to chat about - we have places for the centurion 100 - woohoo - need to rest my foot then!!!

Monday 21 February 2011


I'm convinced SS kicked me on the time I'd got home after our 28 miles, my left foot was beginning to ache...SS said it was probably the cold and wet.....but by Sunday am it was swollen and I'm of the opinion she definitely did something to me!!

I borrowed some of Chris's ginger and frankincense joint balm (??!!) which eased it ( or it could have been the brufen and choc biscuits??)and strapped it up with tubigrip, and today it does seem a little easier.....the last thing I really need is an injury. Surprisingly, it hurts more to walk on it than it does to run.....

I decided to give the gym a miss today and head to the swimming pool, I figured the warm water would soothe and support....what I hadn't figured was the fact that it was half term....and the pool was full of undesirables.....namely kids!!!

So.....I ended up in the gym after all! And, as my foot felt better running than walking, I ran for half an hour on the treadmill (listening to Muse) and then did 2 circuits of upper body weights....

So now I'm balanced out, as my top half aches as much as my bottom half - ouch!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Wet, wet, wet.

At 6am this morning it was blowing a gale and pouring with I texted SS and suggested we gave our walk a miss and met at the gym instead......her reply was along the lines of 'stop being a wuss and get your butt into gear', so I met her at the top of Newtown Road, at the dark, and wet, and wind, and we headed off for circuit no.1 of Greenham Common.

 SS had even managed to talk Cheryl (the physio) into coming with us, so at least I had someone to whinge along with as first my feet got wet, then my legs, and then my gloves decided not to be waterproof! Breakfast stop no.1 couldn't come quick enough, and we trudged into Costas, wearing more of the Common than usual for cappuccinos and cake.

SS's theory was that as we were wet (soaked to the skin) we might as well carry on walking as we couldn't get any wetter (??!!) so after grabbing some vegetable bags to put on my hands underneath my gloves to help with the waterproofing (worked a treat for future reference!!) we set off around the common - again!!
Like last week, we dropped down through the farmyard at Crookham, used the local amenities (the tree trunk toilet stop) and walked along the canal into Newbury....where Cheryl finally cottoned on to the fact that SS definitely lived up to her name and beat a hasty retreat home!
SS had promised me a starbucks, so breakfast no.2 was had there, and because by this time there was definitely no way we could possibly get any wetter, we walked back the way we had come, and got muddier and muddier instead.

Chris rang just as we were nearing home to say that he was heading of to the local rugby match and was I near the college so that he could hand the dogs over, so rather than a quick trip home to a soak in the bath, it was a few extra miles with 2 hyperactive dogs. Mali gave SS a run for her money though, being very naughty and causing us to walk backwards several times, peering under hedges to see where she had got to!!
So much for the soak in the bath too...Mali was so filthy, we ended up in the shower together!
So, cold, wet, starving, but another 28 miles training...job done!!

And I might just add......looking at my brothers blog -
he skived today!! tut tut!

Monday 14 February 2011

Naff headphones.....

Am going to miss the 'Wednesday workout' with Sadistic Sue (SS) this week as I'm taking Cass and the out-laws to Gatwick. They are jetting off on their jolly to India and I am designated chauffeur.

So, thought I'd better get the old butt to the gym whilst I had the chance.
To be honest, the old butt still aches a bit after Saturdays trip out round the common, as does the thighs, the knees, the calfs, the hips.....

Anyhow....I dragged myself onto the treadmill, plugged the headphones in, and POP! The little plugs pinged and stopped working......okay., listening to SS going on is one thing, but running along in silence is something else!! There is just no momentum without a ga-ga beat, or a Mika mix-up or a Muse medley or a Killers cacophony (impressed??), it makes running kinda boring, so I only lasted for 30 mins on the treadmill before I hit the weights circuit, and 15 mins of that before I called it a day.

Once home, the sun was still shining, and as Golda looked like she had a bit of 'spring fever' ie a bit hyperactive, I grabbed both dogs, and did the 3 mile 'Newbury Loop', but in reverse, for way of a change!

Saturday 12 February 2011

It's a beautiful day.....

Up and out at 7am.....met Sadistic Sue on the corner of Newtown Road in the pitch black and we headed off to Greenham common.
There was no set plan for the day..we were just going to see where our feet would take us, and what the weather was like!
After a miserable wet Thursday and Friday we weren't hopeful, but halfway round we did start to see a little bit of blue sky and coats came off, and after eight miles and the first breakfast stop (Costa's for a chocolate twist and cappuccino) the weather was looking pretty good, so we decided to go around the common again!

This time, for way of a change, we dropped down on to the farm track at the top end by Crookham Saw mill, so that we could get on to the Kennet and Avon tow path, which would lead us into Newbury, add a couple more miles on to the route, and most importantly, lead us to Starbucks and the second breakfast/first lunch stop!!

After a falafel panini and earl grey tea (which tasted a lot nicer, and less sissy than it sounds) we decided to repeat the ten miles in reverse as it had been a nice walk along the canal and the common.
The council had obviously been busy since I had last been out that way, a lot of the waterway had been dredged and the canal looked clearer and definitely smelt there was a good deal of sunshine and blue sky!
So...back we went.....

And...home by half past two!
No blisters,
Toenails present and correct.
So....28 miles, 7 hours, 30 mins which included a breakfast and lunch stop means we are keeping to our plan of 4 miles an hour - easy peasy!!

Friday 11 February 2011

Bring it on....

...just getting my stuff ready for tomorrow!
For the first time in a little while I am walking with Sadistic Sue tomorrow as
1. We aren't doing anything as a family,
2. I couldn't think up an excuse quick enough!!

I'm actually looking forward to getting out there if I'm's been a while since we had a good walk, rather than a quickie round the common, and I get a cake at Costa's for the effort...I'm easily pleased!!

It's been a good week on the training front, so a cake is going to be a just reward -  I managed to get to the gym again for an hour last night and did an hour of cardio workout-
20 mins treadmill -running
10 mins treadmill -uphill walk
10 mins row
10 mins x-train
10 mins treadmill walk,
and then did a 3 mile 'Newbury Loop' with the the rain.....
...hopefully no rain tomorrow...

Anyhow....back to getting my stuff ready for tomorrow,
...and yes, another thorntons choc to keep my energy levels up...........................

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Wednesday Workout....

Another Wednesday workout...but this was a little quieter as Sadistic Sue has lost her voice somewhat following a virus from the weekend......(I'm not saying anything....)

We started with the usual 30 mins uphill on the treadmill and it really was an uphill struggle .....Sadistic Sue struggled as she didn't feel 100%......and good old PMT had me wobbling all over the place!! Not helped by my new super sports drink from Tesco's either...the label stated that it would help mental stability, replace lost electrolytes and improve it was a bargain at only £1!! did none of that.....and it tasted PANTS!!!!

After the hill, it was a circuit of weights, plus the abdo machine.....and then I promised Sadistic Sue that instead of 'the challenge' I would  walk the dogs and do THREE miles instead of, being a nurse, I could see that Sadistic Sue was desperately in need of upping her fluid intake being poorly and all that, and that further exercise in her condition was detrimental to her health ( good eh??!!) so we headed to the coffee bar where I bought her a pot of hot tea..........

......and was bowled over when she said that her and Jim-boy are getting married next year - WOOHOO!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

As promised, once home, I collected Mali and Golda and we did the official 'Newbury Loop' of three miles...I know Sadisitic Sue will check up on me so HAD to do it!! It was lovely to be out in the fresh air, as for the first time in ages it felt like spring...and it wasn't raining or muddy, plus Golda didn't find any fox pooh which is always a bonus!!

It was also nice to have some fresh air on my right ear......
WHY? you may ask.....well.....

Sadistic Sue had her nose pierced......and it looks lovely, but there are just two problems with that,
1. I'm not brave enough
2a. My mom would kill me,
2b. If she didn't, Chris probably would,
so, instead, I had my ear pierced again....and I didn't cry......even though it was a BIG ouch!

Sadistic Sue wants a tattoo next......don't think I'll go there.........

Monday 7 February 2011


7.15am and my feet are still cold from my dip in the sea on Saturday fact, all of me is taking some defrosting!

As I wasn't due into work until after lunch I decided to hit the gym to see if a workout would generate some heat....... be honest, the the thought of 30 mins on the treadmill wasn't appealing at 8.30am this morning, so I did a bit of 'pick and mix'-
10 mins run on the treadmill
10 mins on the x-trainer
5 mins on the step machine
5 mins rowing
10 mins run on the treadmill
5 mins rowing and to finish
circuit of upper body weights..
all accompanied by Mika, McFly and Muse.
I was 'glowing' by the end, and all but my toes had thawed!!

No news yet whether we have places for the centurions race for 2-3rd July....but May 7th is booked for the Ridgeway 40 - bring it on!!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Sea air.....

I thought I'd got away with a walk this weekend...but to get my 'coffee n cake fix' I had to trek to the nearest tea rooms which were 3 miles away!
Chris had found us a lovely little cottage at Parkmill on the Gower, South Wales, which was about a mile from Three Cliffs Bay. From memory, I knew the National trust car park near Pennard golf club had tea rooms...with malteser cake etc etc...and was only a further 2 miles along the beach/cliff on went the trainers...and Cassia, Mali and Golda were made to quick march along!

The rain held off but it was incredibly windy, and unfortunately the tide was in so we couldn't get on to Three cliffs or Pobbles beach..shame- straight to the tea rooms then!! We met Chris there (he had enjoyed a quick round of golf....funnily, the cottage was near a golf course????), and enjoyed 3 cakes between us so we could sample a variety......then it was a tough we get in the car?? or do we walk back??

Cass kept Chris company....and I had to walk the smelly dogs back!! By this time the tide was out far enough to detour onto Pobbles and Three Cliffs so that Mali could have a quick dip..then back to Parkmill for more sustenance before the afternoons exercise......


Yes...I know it's February..and the water temperature is, like, freezing, but Cass and I, well, were tough (and a little bit stupid!!).
We went to Caswell Bay, to meet friends Sarah and Steve, and coz the waves were bigger and more dangerous there, and donned wetsuits, hats, boots, and everyone had gloves.....except me!!

The waves were seriously awesome....and we weren't the only idiots in the water which amused me!

I lasted 10 minutes before my hands became so cold and painful that I couldn't hold onto my board (note to self - buy gloves!) but the others lasted half an hour, it was an experience for sure!!

After 2 hot showers, 2 mugs of hot tea and an indian take away, I finally thawed out.....perhaps next week I'll just walk with Sadistic Sue...........

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Because Sadisitic Sue promised me popcorn I have worked soooo hard today!!

We decided last week that we needed incentive to get our butts moving...and it came in the form of Colin Firth (mmm) and popcorn (mmm-mmm)!

Today, the plan was a reward of seeing 'The Kings Speech' at the cinema, if we worked hard in the gym, so we did, and we did!

As per last weeks plan, we did the usual 30 min uphill, again in silence, except I think I did sing out loud once, as I had the iPod going full blast to Lady GaGa and Take That (sad, but true), the level was 15, and again went up to the highest level of 20 for the last 10 mins - phew!

This was followed by a circuit of weights, as an extra treat I even added the abdominal machine in today (considering I was going to eat a WHOLE bucket of popcorn)....before 'the challenge'.....

....this was 'the mile'.....the fastest that we could power walk it...without falling over....or dying... the timing was:
Sadisitic Sue-11mins 32 sec
Jane-12 mins 27 sec...yay, both quicker than last week.......we definitely deserve our Colin Firth!!

No time to walk the dogs today....but yesterday I did 5 miles on Greenham Common with Mali....Golda did 100 yards before she sat down and refused to move any further! Mali seemed to enjoy chasing rabbits....I spent most of the 5 miles chasing Mali....but, well, exercise is exercise!

Again....I'm skiving from walking this weekend with Sadisitic Sue......Chris has booked us a weekend in Wales...funny though, since I mentioned it to Sue...the weather has taken a turn for the worse.....................