Friday 29 June 2012


Firstly, I can't believe I haven't blogged on here since the begining of May...I normally have loads to say.....
and secondly...and unbelieveably.....I've managed to get myself listed as an athlete!!

SS very kindly ponted this out to me, as, quite honestly, I didn't have a clue. I think I have mentioned in a previous blog that she has joined a racewalking club...and is getting pretty darn quick (sparks flying off her knickers - get the picture??) well...she was entered for a couple of races, and told me that it had improved her position in the UK Women's rankings - she is now 6th...and my position at 53 wasn't bad - my position???? I had made it onto an athletic ranking list??
Out of 1468 women racewalkers in the UK, SS is an amazing 6th, and I'm in spitting distance (okay, I'm a good spitter!) at 53....and after the Dodentocht in August...and the Colchester centurion in September, perhaps our rankings may be bumped up a little more.......

Talking of the Dodentocht......6 weeks to go.....and training hard! We were out yesterday and it felt like the translation of 'Dodentocht' - 'death march'! It was a very hot and humid 26c - we felt like we were walking through treacle..
We left home at 7.30am, and after a mile we were soaked through with sweat! 10 hours and 40 miles later we were drenched, stinky and absolutely shattered, but ever closer to our next race.....
Bring it on...I'm an athlete!