Monday 30 July 2012

Dog tired!

I never thought I'd do it...but I have....I have finally out-walked Mali!
Chris and I were holidaying in the Cotswold's last week...we had a little cottage in the town of Dursley (where they all speak like this - 'ello my luvver'), and we were situated  bang in the middle of the 104 miles of the Cotswold Way!

So, Mali and me walked, and walked, and walked (and walked some more....) and by Friday when Chris took her to the back fields for a 'last run' prior to the journey home...she was having none of it, she dragged her feet, tail between her legs, and dived into her basket as soon as possible!!

(Funny, it doesn't have this effect on SS!!)

I did wonder how all this walking would effect moi, as at the moment I am having treatment from a local osteopath (or torturer!!).
I have had a painful left hip for as long as I can remember...and being a true nurse.....have done everything to avoid going to the doctors!!
It got to the point where I'd finally realised that not being able to sleep on my left side, or sit properly meant that something WAS wrong.......and as most GPs would tell me to stop exercising...I decided to see an osteopath instead.....

Kim, who I see is brilliant....she has explained that I haven't a 'mechanical injury' ie it hasn't been caused by walking or running and that I can carry on exercising to my hearts fact, she can't really describe what I HAVE done to my hip Felix muscle - she describes it as someone pulling it out, twisting it around, and putting it back (my money is on SS......)...and thinks just deep massage and stretching the muscle will 'undo the damage'.....I hope so, as SS and I have our next race in 11 days...gulp!!

Yes! 11 days until the Dodentocht in Belgium. At one point a couple of weeks ago, SS wasn't going to do the race...and that got me worried..100km in a Flemish speaking country, during the night on my own...that was asking for trouble......mind you, us two...100km in a Flemish speaking country, during the night.......we shall see!!

Anyways....that's 11 days time for a little more training......Mali - walkies!!