Wednesday 20 February 2013


Having a cast on your leg makes everything rather tedious.... I'm one of these people, where, if something needs doing, I get up and do it - job done - but now I have to 'think' about doing something, explore the logistics, and....well.... quite frankly... it's tedious!

It's been a lesson in patience (something I will readily admit that I haven't much of!), its also been an eye opener to my perception of disability.
Part of me thinks "thank goodness I've only got X amount of weeks left"....and then another part of me thinks would I be more accepting and patient if I knew this was permanent - makes you think......

I also thought I was a strong person and that this "minor set-back" would have been a bit of a breeze.... but boy I've found it hard... 
Every now and then I could have done with someone taking my hand and saying hey girl, it'll be alright... Oh I know it's not life threatening or anything...but to me it's a big deal.

Nobody has it easy, everyone has some issue or another in their life, and you never know what another person is going through. You need to remember to pause a while before you start judging, criticising or mocking someone, as everyone is fighting their own unique battle...and this has been my battle!

I have people tell me this injury is 'self-inflicted'...or 'your own fault'.....and I'm constantly asked "are you going to stop running/jogging/walking?"

I do exercise because I LOVE it and because its my therapy - it's cheaper than a therapist and isn't illegal, immoral or fattening!
However much I love my gets to me day after day after day of listening to people's problems, of counselling, of discussing bad news, poor prognosis, bereavement, abuse, domestic violence, loneliness....... running or walking is an escape from this - a chance to 'zone out' and 'run away' - a bit of 'me time'...

Running releases 'endorphins'  - the bodies natural pain killers, the 'happy hormones' - I've not done anything since last August - and I'm almost on empty!!

So, my friends, whilst you may think that me prattling on about not being able to do anything is tedious, it's a big deal to me so there!