Saturday 10 August 2013


My brother Tim is a nutter...I think I have mentioned it once or twice before in my blog, but he really, really, is  quite insane.
No- one normal would cycle from London, to Edinburgh, and then back to London would they? I mean, we have cars, and buses, and choo- choos.... And no- one, ( no-one with their full quota of grey matter) would do it non- stop in 108 hours.
Well, the nutter did.
For fun.

I know I did some 'challenging' activities - but I don't think I was quite as insane as Tim - and if you really want to read more of his mental state, log on to his blog at
challengemenace.blogspot and read the section entitled LEL Adventure.

Anyways, hearing about his exploits has prompted me to think a bit more about much so that I had to go buy a bike.
I have always felt that cycling was cheating ( well, you're sat down) and being a runner, cyclists were just a pain with their dinging ( not a swear word!) bells!
But..I've had to move across to the dark side...

I'm still having physio and acupuncture for my foot - it's a year exactly today that I did the Dodentocht race (100km through the night in Belgium) when all my foot problems started) and, unfortunately, the physio has advised me not to run anymore.
The more I do, the more backwards the healing process goes. To start with my foot felt fine, and I was sooooo glad to be out again, but the ache in my foot is becoming more and more prolonged after each run, and it's time to hang up the running shoes....

The physio I see is fab - James at Newbury Community Hospital  - he's free ( as  in money) and has a great sense of humour which is perfect for my 8.30am Monday morning slots. I've also had a couple of sessions with Mandy Barter ( who isn't free!) who works at  the Natural Health Clinic - she is more holistic, and not only do you get acupuncture but a leg massage and dietary input - I am now off caffeine and wheat ( what that has to do with my foot I have no idea - but she was soo nice!!) and I feel tons better!

Any how's, James has been trying to find me a new sport....
Swimming? Ugh - kid soup, and wet!
Aqua - been there, was shown up by competitive 80 year olds, also wet, plus warm spots -?wee
Kayaking?  As above - wet
Canoeing -ugh - there is too much of a water theme going on......
Golf? Hmmm ....tried this. Had 2 lessons, wasn't too bad - nice instructor, went out  ONCE with Chris, FIRST hole, nearly pushed club up a certain orifice  of his so thought it probably wasn't a sport I should pursue....

And then James suggested cycling......

And then Tim cycled LEL....

And then my cousin Ade said ' I know a geezer who can get you a good deal on a bike....'

And then I heard you burn TONS of calories whilst cycling and you HAVE to keep eating..

It would be absolutely insane not to eh?