Wednesday 30 March 2011


Met SS at the gym, 8.45am and we were ready for the off. Well, not really..we were there, and that's as good as it gets!

We couldn't really decide what we wanted to do on the treadmill, SS opted for speed on the flat, I opted for a slower pace and an incline (felt like Everest). 30 minutes later I had reached the summit, and SS looked like she had reached boiling point!

Next it was onto a circuit of weights, plus I added in the abdominal machine..... grrrrr!

Then onto my fave weight, lifting a coffee cup!

Over coffee SS filled me in on a chat she had had with her friend, a local warden up on Greenham common. I was waiting for the punchline of..." there was this lady with a really naughty spaniel..." but instead she told me how there are loads of ADDERS breeding up there......hmmm so much for saving the fluffy wotsits, and greater speckled doodahs...they're really worried about breeding (I said breeding!!) adders!!
That's really going to slow SS and I down as we will be watching our every step!

Monday 28 March 2011


Couldn't decide what to do at the gym this afternoon....I didn't really fancy a long run.....a walk seemed a bit boring....cycling is for cissies (see blog entitled "All about me"), so I did a bit of a 'woolworths', or a 'pic'n'mix'!!

10 mins treadmill - running
5  mins rowing (1000 metres in 5 mins 2 seconds, so am improving!!)
5 mins climbing machine
10 mins cross trainer
10 mins treadmill - sprinting
5  mins rowing (1000 metres in...wait for it....4 mins 58 seconds..oh yeah!!)
50 sit ups ( ugh!)
All accompanied by Jon Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga, sad, but very true!

Then home, and a 'Newbury Loop' with Mali and Golda by way of a 'stretch and cooldown'!.

Sunday 27 March 2011

A quickie!

Sunday afternoon, and feeling better than I have done in after a quick walk to the park with the dogs, thought I'd head to the gym and take advantage of my well-being!

35 mins on the treadmill= 30 mins run, and my speed is creeping up,
                                              5 mins walk to warm down
5 mins, 10 seconds row, did 1000 metres but it took me 5 seconds longer than last time, blame the headache!

And then virtuously, I did a set of sit ups, oh how I detest them!!

And by then I had had enough, and not wanting to overdo it, I headed home!


Sorry.....I haven't got round to posting a week, mainly due to a stinky headache-cum-migraine. The thought of looking into a computer screen was a little nauseating if I'm honest......a week on, the headache is nearly gone, the thought of sitting at a computer catching up on a million emails is still nauseating, but you can't have it all!

Wednesday dawned bright and sunny, and should have been a 'gym' day for SS and myself. The thought of pounding on a treadmill and lifting weights prompted me to text SS and suggest a walk in the fresh air instead, as they don't really like the clients throwing up on said treadmills, so we met at the top of the road and did one circuit (8 miles) of the common in lovely warm sunshine, before I needed to head back home for a lie down. (Anyone reading this is going to think I'm 60, not 30)!

Saturday was another training day, but this started off a little gloomier weather wise, although it was warm. Again we met at the top of the road, just before 7am, and headed to the common. We were not sure why, but it was deserted up there, really spooky, all the Reading marathoners had finished training, the Newbury Race-goers where getting a lie-in perhaps, but it was soooo quiet. We finished a circuit in no time at all and headed to Costas. The disadvantage of a headache-cum-migraine is it leaves me feeling very queasy so I didn't even have the pleasure of eating a chocolate twist in front of SS this week, nor drink a milky coffee.
An earl grey tea and a plain bun please!
We headed out again,onto the common, but at the far end, we dropped down through the farmyard at Crookham and headed for the canal, which led us past Thatcham Lakes (those birds are SO NOISY when your head aches!) and into Newbury..this time for a mug of earl grey with lavender, great for headaches.
The plan was then to retrace our steps back along the canal..but I had really had enough and felt ugh! Plus, I had yet to take the dogs out as both Chris and Cass were away for the weekend!
SS battled on in the face of adversity (not really, it just sounds good) heading back along the canal towards the common and I headed up Newtown Road to collect Mali and Golda.

Mali and Golda where very happy to see their leads in my hand, and we quickly headed back down Newtown Road to City park.
Golda gets very excited visiting City park at the moment, I'm sure a fox must frequent it regularly as she spends most of the time rolling on every inch of grass there...Mali, on the other hand, spends her time running up and down on every inch of grass. I have learnt to take her ball with me on these trips, otherwise she turns into a bit of a playground bully-pinching the other dogs balls and refusing to give them back!

After a run around, it was a walk up Wendan Road, with a cut through Paddock Road, onto Newtown Road, to home, more tea, aspirin and bed!

My mileage for Saturday was 21 miles....SS for all I know, is still going backwards and forwards along the canal and the common......

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Money, money, money..

I spent Sunday evening setting up a justgiving fund raising page - SS and I are hoping to raise money with the 2 races we are doing, to buy wheelchairs, and pay for the upkeep of wheelchairs, for a disabled  children's school in Durban, South Africa.

The school is called 'Happys' and has to rely entirely on donations for the day to day upkeep of the home, and the care of the 200 children there.
To find out more, log onto

In order to raise money, SS and I are going to,
1. Walk 40 miles in a time limit of 14 hours across the Ridgeway on May 7th, and
2. Walk 100 miles in a time limit of 24 hours around Lingfield Park in Surrey on 2-3rd July.....
Now I'm sure that deserves some of your money, money, money???

To donate (please, please, please) visit our website;
Thank you heaps xxxx

Well, because I've begged for your money, thought I'd better get down to business on this blog, and get some training down too!
I felt compelled to get to the gym Monday after work, not only because I had eaten half a packet of digestives (again!!), or had a headache that I wanted to run off, but to show that I deserved your cash!

I spent 35 minutes on the treadmill, 30 running, and 5 mins warm-down walking, followed by 5mins 5 seconds on the rowing machine. I aimed to row 1000 metres in 5 mins, but needed the extra 5 seconds..I aim to do better next time!
This was followed by sit-ups by way of a change. I usually avoid these, as, to be truthful, they hurt! But, as mentioned, I really, really want your money! And I did 55 of them!

And with my headache no better, and stomach to add in from the sit-ups, I decided to call it quits...or today anyway.......but in the words of The Terminator...I'll be back!

Sunday 20 March 2011

All about me....

This post should have been written yesterday, but life has been busy, and I'm only rushing to post it now as there is a competition to get mine posted before my brothers! He (Tim, or Dim as Cass calls him!!) has been down for the day with his girlfriend SJ (SarahJane), and we were discussing who had the best blog, and who wrote the best posts...not that we are competitive by any means.....

....this then led on to who did the best races...who was the fittest etc, etc.....and I think I won that one.
As you know, from previous posts, I definately think, and have proved, that running is easier than power-walking...well Dim has made it one step easier.....he cycles!! Call that exercise?? For a start, you are sitting down...and you get to free wheel down all the hills, even the titchy ones!!
Ok,Ok, so he has cycled Lands End to John O'Groats, and London to Geneva...but if you read his blog....he cycles (sitting down or free-wheeling) from one breakfast stop to the next, honestly, his blog reads like a menu.....if you don't believe me, have a look;

This then led on to Chris and SJ asking Dim and myself why we actually wrote blogs..........
Thinking about it, I'm sure I could come up with something that sounded good like.....if I know that I have to write down what I've done, it makes me get up and do it....but basically I like the sound of my own voice, and it's all about me!
(Plus, I can waffle on without Chris interrupting - result!)

Anways, anyways.....onto the actual training diary!
Met SS, usual spot at the top of the road, beautiful, beautiful day, with a lovely frost. We headed to the common, to be honest, we can now do this with our eyes shut!, and did our usual circiut slightly quicker than normal as it was colder than normal! The common was very quiet, we only saw a couple of other runners out there, I guess this was due to the fact that it was the Reading Marathon Sunday and most people were resting and 'carb loading'. We went past Mali's pond, and to further embarassment we saw that it had been further cordoned off with red posts, don't people know their zones??!!

After the first circuit it was time for breakfast at Costas, chocolate twist and a yummy cappuccino for me....but for poor SS it was a skinny muffin and a soya milk cappuccino as she has the dreaded cholesterol...and me being a cardiovascular nurse..well....

We then headed back to the common, but by way of a change we decided to go right, once through the gates, and head into the woods for a change. This was a great walk, much  quieter, no cattle and it brought us out at the back of Bunkers farm, which then led us onto the A339 by the Swan Pub. We headed up to St Gabriels school, and crossed the A339 onto the public footpath which leads up behind the rugby club and Park House school, eventually bringing us out onto Andover Road. SS and I got chatting, and although SS has been in Newbury nearly 13 years, she has never been to The that was going to be our destination....

We walked along Andover Road, turning into Wash Water, past the Woodpecker Pub, and headed up past Andover Drove, under the A34 flyover, and to The Chase car park, to find that it was all blocked off by metal gates...SS did wonder if word had got out, and whether I was banned from there too, couldn't see any wanted posters....but there was no way we could get we had to retrace our steps and head back to Enbourne Road and home....I guess if SS has been there for 14 years, a bit longer won't hurt!
So....along Enbourne Road, and up to Wash Common, and back to SS's house, where we got Jim to make us a nice cup of tea..well, we had done 16.5 miles!

NB Apparently The Chase was shut due to sewage problems, and is now shut for regeneration and conservation..???reopening dates.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Met SS, at the usual spot - treadmill in front of the glass window, overlooking the golf course and Newbury racecourse....not that we could see much, as it was a very foggy morning!

Down to business....after a couple of weeks 'cheating' by running along, we thought we ought to 'toughen up' and get back to the serious stuff of power walking, especially as its less than 2 months before our first race!! (Ridgeway 40).

So, the treadmills were put into 'hill' mode, the levels were put onto 'killer'  mode and off we climbed for 30 minutes.....the iPod had been updated with Bon Jovi's greatest hits which was quite inspiring....until old Jon started singing 'have a nice day'..... which, when you are hot, tired and sweaty, is not really appropriate and what you want to hear.....

The legs could tell I hadn't done a hill for a while, and in the words of Shakespeare they 'protesteth too much'....still are!

A circuit of weights finished the session off, increasing by 5kgs seemed a good idea on Monday, but was hard work after a hill, but we did it, before wobbling down the stairs for a coffee and recuperation.

By mid-afternoon, the legs were sufficiently less-wobbly to take Golda and Mali for a run around Greenham Common, a half loop, so only up as far as the pickle factory, across the hard-standing to the control tower, and back to the entrance....and it's probably the last time I will take Mali up there 'off lead' for a while as she has been 'banned' by the RSPB!!

We were running along quite happily, when, coming across the hard standing, Mali had a sniff, and recognized that she was near her favourite smelly/muddy/boggy watering hole.....and off she shot....into the sunset......Golda and I legged it (literally) after her, rounded the bend, came up over the incline....and saw Mali in the a zoned-off 'red' area, surrounded by RSPB peeps with  binoculars! Who proceeded to tell me that 'red' areas were 'no-go areas' for doggies, as they were breeding grounds for lapwings, greater spotted somethings, and fluffy wotsits, and could I get my menace OUT OF THE POND? - well, I did try...really, really hard!
So, I was extremely mortified, Mali was extremely Muddy....and we are now banned!!

Monday 14 March 2011


Apparently I've been grumpy this Chris tells me. I chose to ignore him, but when Wendy (receptionist) at work said the same, I thought that perhaps it was true. In fact, Wendy expanded, and said I was grumpy and 'twitchy'.....and she said she could tell I hadn't been for a walk or a run this weekend!

It's amazing how NOT going out affects me......the 'happy hormones' or endorphins don't get released, and instead you get one grumpy, twitchy being!

So, in order to rectify that, I took the dogs out for a quick walk after work, doing the regular 'Newbury Loop' (fox pooh included) and then headed to the gym.

It felt really good to be on the treadmill again, the 30 mins sped by, accompanied by the Mama Mia (sad, but true!!) sound track, and my new bouncy trainers. This was followed by a circuit of weights, which I have put up by 5kgs - lets see if SS notices on Wednesday!

So, home, hopefully a little less grumpy, and apologies to those who suffered me!

Sunday 13 March 2011


Am feeling sooooo lazy as I haven't done anything... no.... absolutely nothing this weekend! I haven't even walked the dogs......I made Chris do that as penance for playing golf all yesterday morning and all afternoon today, whilst I sat and ate McVities digestives with my cuppa.
 Well....I did do 41 miles Monday, and I am pacing myself,  don't want to overdo it now, and the new week starts tomorrow...and...pass us another digestive will you?

Wednesday 9 March 2011

New shoes!

Met SS at the usual Wednesday time and place, Nuffield Gym in Newbury. Hips still a bit stiff after Mondays' epic journey, but my feet were very bouncy as I had on my new trainers!

Whilst on the retail park on Tuesday....(I was meant to be in Homebase for Chris but had 'got lost' and ended up in the sports shop)....I noticed some Asics trainers - my style, my size, AND in the sale, BARGAIN!!!

So, there I was, with SS ready to try them out, and what better way to break them in than a run. We  needed a break from walking (!!!) so decided on a 30 min run, before doing our usual weights circuit.
The treadmills are placed before a  huge glass wall/window overlooking the racecourse and golf course, and with the sun shining, it felt like we were out there and part of it....but not as cold!
Unfortunately, after 27 mins of happily running along to my Muse, Mcfly and Mika collection, I made the mistake of knocking the emergency stop button whilst reaching for my water bottle....and did just that, stopping dead, and nearly ending up on said racecourse/golf course - at least, for future reference, I know the button works!
So, back to the treadmill, and a quick 3 minute sprint to catch up SS!

Then a circuit of weights, with an extra machine thrown in for good measure.....and because there was a lady at least 10 years older than us on the machine we wanted to use!!

And new shoes found their way to the coffee bar......

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Woke up this morning with stiff hips...felt like I had aged 20 years overnight!! Only one thing for it, no, not brufen, or a total hip replacement......but a run!!

So, after dropping Cassia at school I headed to the gym, and to my faithful friend - the treadmill! Yes, I know I'm weird, and after walking 41 miles yesterday this confirms it, but running definitely made the old hips better as I was able to run 'the knots' out of the muscles, and loosen the joints. It helped that the music I was running to was the Good Charlottes and the first track was 'Keep movin on'!!

After 30 minutes I felt good enough to do a circuit of upper body weights, and then headed home for my second breakfast.....this walking lark also makes me incredibly hungry!!

Monday 7 March 2011

40, not out!

WARNING: This may contain nuts, two of them....

It's 10pm, and I'm typing this whilst lying in bed, absolutely knackered! I've just helped SS celebrate her fortieth birthday!
Shopped til we dropped??
Coffee and cakes??
Dinner somewhere posh??

You've got to be kidding, SS wanted to WALK 40 miles for her 40th.....I'm just glad she wasn't 50..or 60!!

So...up at 6am, met at Monks Lane at just before 7am, and as this was a 'special' day...we were going to give Greenham Common a miss!
We set off down Valley Road and Kingsbridge Road to join the Canal, and headed towards Hungerford, 12 miles away, this was to be the breakfast stop. It was icy and cold, but the sun was shining and the sky was blue, and just after 9.30am we were tucking into fried egg and bacon sandwiches and a huge pot of coffee with Jim at the Tutti Pole on Hungerford High Street.

The next stretch of walk took us from Hungerford along the canal to Great Bedwyn, via Little Bedwyn, a route which we haven't walked before. This was a lovely walk, if not a very muddy, slippy, slidey, walk. Also a thirsty walk, as the sun continued to shine out of a cloudless blue sky, hard to imagine it was only the beginning of March.
Once in Great Bedwyn, it was noted there were 2 pubs for future reference (not open til 12md) so we grabbed a drink from the village stores, and found a convenient bench opposite to sit and have said drinks. I don't  know whether the locals don't get out much, or whether they aren't used to seeing lycra clad ladies in bobble hats swigging out of milk cartons, but we got a few funny looks???

And then it was time to retrace steps back to just outside of Hungerford (25 mile mark) to meet Jim at the organic Cobbs Farm for a 'spot of lunch'!!

Full to bursting point on paninis, we then headed  10 miles into Newbury town centre to meet up with Cassia and Jamie for support and praise on our expedition thus far....except they wanted sandwiches and disappeared!! So we made do with Jim and a Neros hot chocolate and pastry to get us through the last 5 miles of SS's 'birthday 40'.
This is where we got stuck.....we had done 35 miles....we needed to do another 5 miles, it was 5.23pm, where should we go?? You got it....the Common!

We walked along the canal parallel to Hambridge Lane, past Thatcham Nature Reserve, as far as Crookham, through the Farmyard, and up onto the common near Thornford Park. We then went right once through the gates, heading for the control tower car park, where Jim was waiting to pick us up, as it was by now 6.55pm and pitch black.......and .....we had officially walked .....

41 MILES!!!!!!!


Sunday 6 March 2011


Met SS at the usual spot (corner of Newtown Road) just before 7am on Saturday morning....the plan was to do a 'quick' circuit of the common as we had 'bigger plans' for next week. The sun hadn't quite made it out, but different to previous weeks, it wasn't dark, it wasn't wet, and it wasn't windy!

Following on from Wednesday, the common looked quite bare, a lot of brushwood had been cut away, and it seemed very exposed in places. There was also a swan on the lake which I am sure winked at me as we walked past.......

Whether it was because we were cold, or hungry, or just yakking ++, we seemed to walk our 8 miles quicker than ever, and were soon in Costas ordering what has become our traditional 'first' breakfast of chocolate twist and cappuccino! Jim and Jamie (SS's family) met us there, and Jamie (all 12 years of him) couldn't believe that his Mum had finished her walk, and was on her way home to 'bug him' (his exact words!!) So.....the little lovely, offered me £10, to take his Mum out for another circuit of the common -

BRIBERY!!  Of course I said.....Yes.....well, that would pay for a chocolate twist and a cappuccino, doh!

So, out we went and did another circuit of the common, but just to be different, we did it in reverse, and it's amazing what you notice when you take a different route around somewhere you have walked a million times before......still couldn't find the public loos up there.......

So 16 miles later...and I'm sorry Jamie.....but you need to have your Mum back!

SS headed along Monks Lane, and I headed down Newtown Road, to meet Chris who was going out to play Golf, and 'would I like  a lift to the common with the dogs so that they could have a walk?' - so, for the THIRD time that day, off to the common! This time Cass kept me company, and we asked Chris to drop us at the far end, away from the swan, and walked back down the left hand side, heading, finally, to home, a hot shower, and an Indian take-away....well, after 19 miles I think I deserved one!!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Fresh air.............

Met SS today, usual place, usual time! But we weren't feeling our usual selves...SS is suffering from sinusitis (get well soon) and I was suffering from a touch of much so, that the thought of a hard slog uphill for 30 minutes was not at all appealing!!

Instead, we decided to run for it, and ran along for 30 mins......I know I keep saying it, and SS agrees with me...but running IS easier, psychologically you feel that the time goes quicker, you cover distance quicker, and the endorphins ( good old 'happy hormones') get released quicker, so you begin to feel better - weird, but true!
After 30 mins of this, we were able to do a circuit of weights, before needing to refuel with a very necessary milky coffee!

Once home, as it was such a beautiful spring day, and the endorphins were still working(!!) I decided to take advantage of the fresh air and took Mali and Golda to Greenham Common where I jogged the half loop (up as far as the control tower, before cutting across the hard-standing, and passing the pickle factory) - the fresh air would have been lovely, and the scenery would have been stunning, if they hadn't  decided to have a MASSIVE bonfire right in the middle of the common.........

..and then Mali decided to 'get acquainted' with a local swan down at the lake, which took 25 mins  to get her 'unacquainted' and out of the water, before the local branch of the RSPB ( who were driving over the common  as the very same moment!!!) noticed her.....and a quick sprint back to the car.

Once back in the car.... muttering to myself about smelly dogs, achy legs, etc, etc, I began to reflect on an email my sister Beth (in Australia) sent me yesterday.

It reminded me - in a nutshell- of how blessed I am.....of how I was out running for pleasure, not for necessity, that I chose to be out in the fresh air, not because I didn't have a roof over my head,
and, despite the bonfire....that the air I was breathing, was fresh....not polluted by chemicals, poor sanitation, or over-crowding,
Makes you think.......