Saturday 26 February 2011

Rest Day.....!!

So.....resting my foot this weekend.......

Which meant up at 6am, and meeting SS at the top of the road just before 7am. We had decided to only do one circuit of the common today (as I was resting!!) which meant 8 miles before a cappuccino and chocolate twist.
The common was very wet and boggy underfoot, but the sky looked promising until we reached the furthermost corner from Costas (Thornford Park end), and then the heavens absolutely soaked...........the only consolation we had was that Chris was out playing golf in this!!

So, as mentioned, back to Costas for a breakfast and drying out stop. At this point, SS decided to go and do another circuit of the common, and I headed home to collect Mali and Golda as they needed a 'quick' walk. I ran home, and as bizarre as it sounds, running actually makes my foot feel better than walking, so I decided that instead of a quick walk, the dogs could have a run with me instead!

We headed along Monks Lane, and Elizabeth Avenue, I actually walked this as both dogs wanted to sniff and use the toilet facilities , but then we dropped down into the corn fields leading behind Enborne (which was a run/slip/slide due to the mud/clay/puddles!!) and then we headed for the canal and jogged along the canal, (Mali cheated by jumping in the canal and swimming along side, obviously thought it was a dualathalon!!) through into town and then up the hill home.

Cold, wet, muddy, tired.....13 miles.....perfect rest day!!

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