Monday 26 December 2011

Nearly done....

Christmas bonnet!!
Well.....nearly done for this year! I can't believe that it's coming up to the end of the year...and I also can't believe that I haven't 'blogged' for at least a month - slack or what?!

So much to say, but where to start....first things first...Merry Christmas everyone! This computer is balancing on my lap, and considering I have just eaten my second massive roast dinner in two days, the typing is a bit ropey as I can't really see past my stomach...sorry for any typo's!!

Just Dance!!
 Christmas lunch was 'epic' (apparently - according to our resident teenager- that's the 'in' word of the moment) and we had the usual roast turkey with sausages and stuffing and a huge variety of veg - roast potatoes, roast parsnips, pureed butternut squash with sweet potato, nutmeg and black pepper, red cabbage, sprouts, carrots...and my husband had the audacity to ask where the peas were.....he very nearly wore them........but the best bit of Christmas was watching the out-laws trying out the new Wii game - 'Just Dance 3' - 'mint'! (another 'in' word!!)

Presents were good......and followed a bit of a theme...Chris, Cass and I all had new hats....I wouldn't normally mind, but I have just spent £58 having my hi-lights done.....why do I want to cover them up..........
Cass's hat is fab, unfortunately, Mali, our springer spaniel has a taste for chasing squirrels, so has a particular liking for Cass's new head wear - see photo!!

The best Christmas news however, was the announcement from Tim and SarahJane, that they are engaged!! Yay!! Or as Chris says, 'mental'.........

The Future Mr and Mrs Homer Simpson try wearing  a hat like this and your face will go funny too....

...squirrel in the tree.....
So....exercise.....hmmmm...I need to do some to work of this goose fat....not mine personally, but the stuff that was dripping off the potatoes......Nigella's recipe...boy, is she one domestic goddess!! All goose fat and semolina crispy crunch potato-ness.....getting carried away again....back to exercise.

I have five months until I am expected to powerwalk around London in my BRA for breast cancer, and I don't want my goose fat showing...goosebumps maybe, goose fat not! SS and I are still doing our Pilate's twice a week - so dedicated are we, we now have our own mats (thanks SS, love you x) and our own fitness weighted balls (thanks scary Heather, love you, not)....and we are still walking....I just need to do a little more...SS packs the miles in each week...I have to go to work...Bah!
Mind you, I have been good, and have started dragging myself out to body attack on a Tuesday evening...which is exactly what it says on the tin.....I really feel like I have been attacked.......and when I can I go to body pump...which I  think should be renamed body attack.....and SS and I still do the gym faithfully every Wednesday morning where we do half and hour on the treadmill and half an hour of weight training. One thing I have discovered though, is that the button that says 'random' on the treadmill is's not 'random'...every week I press it, expecting something different, and something, well, random, and instead....every week I get the biggest, steepest hill known to treadmills....

Well .....tomorrow is another day off, so I may do a bit of training......I'm nearly done......on these Ferrero Rocher........

Merry Christmas!