Monday 31 January 2011


After a very lazy weekend...I felt guilty enough to go to the gym today!
Mom and Dad came instead of a long walk with Sadistic Sue, it was gossip and chat...the Sunday school party...and Auntie Daphne's 70th Birthday party......not a trainer or sports bra in sight!!

Actually.....I did feel guilty enough to take Mom and Dad to Costa's...I would hate them to go out of business without my Saturday trade....

Hence the gym today....

And only coz I know Sadistic Sue will try to kill me again on Wednesday...'forwarned is for-armed', or 'be prepared' or something like that!

I took the dogs out first for a quick 'warm up', and again we did half the 'Newbury Loop', missing Andover Road, and coming up Wendan and Chandos, boy was it cold, -3c....but shivering, I'm sure, increases muscle tone!

Then onto Nuffield. The plan was to again do interval training for 30 mins....2 min running sprints, 1 min jogging. I had the ipod tuned into the Good Charlottes, and my legs weren't dead from a Saturday walk, I ran for 10 mins before I dropped to a 2 min jog, then back to a run again...which felt good - so I ran for another 10 minutes!
After a 2 min jog, I then ran for the remaining 6 minutes- hot, sweaty, probably smelly, but pleased that I didn't need oxygen!

A quick circuit of upper body weights....then a cappuccino...well, I don't want to overdo it - that's Suzanne's job!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Upping the game.

It was with some trepidation that I met Suzanne at the gym this morning....after her text yesterday, and our discussion on Saturday about upping our game, I did wonder what delights she had in store for me!!

Firstly, it was the treadmill as usual, but 'Sadistic Sue' lay down a few new rules:
1. No talking (hence the MP3 players) - if we can talk then we aren't working hard enough,
2. No touching or feeling the hand rails/bars whatsoever.....hands need to be used to increase cardiac workload,
3. Uphill all the way, on level 15 for the first 20 mins, and then level 20 for the last 10 minutes which is the highest the machine will go,
4. The speed needs to be the fastest you can go at a power-walking pace without turning into a run/jog..or in my case, falling of the machine
.....and off we went!
And to be perfectly honest, it's surprising how much more of an effort you make when you are pounding along listening to Linkin Park rather than having a good gossip....and how much more knackered you are!

Next on to the usual circuit of weights....then 'sadistic Sue' had one little extra challenge before I was allowed my cappuccino......................

Back to the treadmill....."let's see" she said, "if we can do our 15 minute mile any faster" we put 15 minutes into the treadmill, set the incline to 0.5, and walked as fast as our little legs could carry us, without breaking into a run, to see how long it would take to do the said mile (1.61km)....and before I passed out, I saw the scores on the doors-
Sadistic Sue = 11mins 35 secs
Jane = 12 mins 39 secs......I aim to  beat her one day....................even if I have to tie her shoe laces together.....

After a recovery time spent rubbing knees (mine) and drinking was home to pick up Mali and Golda and get them out for their exercise.
 Mali, as usual was enthusiastic, Golda needing a little more persuasion. 
Slightly different route today....I like to go a bit further than the 'loop' on a Wednesday as I have more time...but as the weather has been so wet, the thought of a muddy Greenham Common wasn't too appealing. Instead we walked along Monks Lane, Elizabeth Avenue and Essex Street, and dropped down into the cornfields which, in a roundabout way lead down to Enbourne. A lovely walk, but soooooo muddy!! Home was via Fifth Road, Wendan, Chandos and Newtown, in all about 4 miles.
 Unfortunately poor Mali was so thick with mud and clay she  had to be showered, and everything from the waist downwards had to go straight in the wash!

And half past eight at night...both dogs are snoring in their respective beds.....and I'm so ready for mine.....G'night!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Be Prepared...

I received a text from Suzanne this afternoon which read -
"I have a few sadistic ideas for the gym tomorrow....bring your MP3 player.."
..we had discussed upping our game on a Wednesday (bizarrely it was my suggestion) but after receiving THAT text it didn't seem such a good fact..I was a little worried.

Suzanne is very fit....much fitter than me...and if she thinks it's going to be sadistic, then it's gonna kill me! Hence the title of this blog...I had an afternoon to get prepared!

The dogs had a half  'Newbury Loop' walk (I cut out Andover Road and Monks Lane) and quick-marched them up Wendon Road and Chandos, which cut out approx 1.5 miles, and then I got my butt down to the gym!

I figured if I could get moving on the treadmill I would be sufficiently 'loosened up' for tomorrow. So for the first time in absolutely ages I did some interval training, which actually worked and felt surprisingly good! I did half an hour of alternate 1 min sprint, 2 min jog and at the end of this had a very red and sweaty face so know that it worked! According to the computer system on board the treadmill I had also burnt up nearly 500 calories so goodbye to the 2 pieces of chocolate cheesecake from Sunday......well...nearly!

So.....8.45am tomorrow will see me at the gym, with the MP3 player, going through my paces with Suzanne....and if I am able to type afterwards I shall report this space!

Saturday 22 January 2011


6.45am, cold, frosty and dark......but  Suzanne and I  were out there!
The chance of a 3 course lunch in an executive box at the Madjeski stadium, watching Reading V Hull (thanks Louise) necessitated an early training start today to fit everything in!

-3c meant it took a little while to warm up, but it also meant we walked a lot quicker than usual in order to do so.
 We did a well known route around Greenham Common, from the main gate on Burys Bank Road, covering the whole perimeter, about 8 miles in total, and watched a beautiful sunrise, which was quickly replaced by a bit of snow, then sleet, and finally rain...time to head to Costa coffee for the obligatory breakfast stop.
After the very necessary refuelling of cappuccino and chocolate twist, Suzanne (virtuously) went right, to do another circuit of the common, and I went left, to collect Mali and Golda from home, in order to do a quick 'Newbury loop' (3 miles) before heading off to the football and my roast lunch!

Managed to burn a few calories cheering Reading score 1-1
Burnt a few more calories waving at Suzanne's partner and son who were sat looking very cold in the stands......hehehe!

Home to find an email/application form for the Centurion race 2nd-3rd July...100 miles in 24 hours....£36 for the privilege...bargain!!!

Wednesday 19 January 2011


However good my footwear is...I always seem to have toenails missing. Today I had to say goodbye to another....the third one on my left foot to be precise! I dream of having a full set, all fully glossed in the seasons 'must have' colour, but aint gonna happen whilst I put my feet through their paces - and they get cold, wet and muddy on a weekly basis!

I've taken advice from the nice chaps in 'Up and Running' (particularly the one in Winton, Bournemouth), had my feet measured, prodded, poked, had my over-pronation corrected and have my shoes sorted down to the last shoe-lace...but still the nails turn black and drop off....Suzanne suggests I keep them in a jar but I've never found a need for them....yet!

Today saw us going through our weekly ritual at the gym. Wednesdays see us indoors at Nuffield Health and Fitness Centre (in the warm and dry!!)  We do a half hour hill climb on the treadmill...literally all uphill, and then a good half hour of weight training. Then the best bit.....a break down/de-brief of said training session over a cappucino...exercising the jaw muscle is an important part of the holistic approach to exercise!

For those interested in footwear...and even if you're not I'm still going to waffle on....
For gym/running I wear Asics 1120s
For power-walking/trail walking/trail running I wear Saucony Jazz or Pro-Grid

The best socks....after trying nearly every pair known to mankind...have to be innov8 designs in my humble opinion.....if any manufacturers out there disagree...please send me free samples.......

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Mali...and me(and a reluctant Golda).

Did the usual 'Newbury loop' with my faithful training partner Mali today. Mali has an unfair advantage..being younger than me...and having four legs.
We bought Mali in June from the Springer Spaniel Rescue Association, thinking she would perk up Golda, our Golden Retriever, but alas, Golda just watches her...and she runs rings around me!
She is however good company on the 'Newbury loop'.
This is a quickie 3 miles, which gives the dogs a bit of exercise, and gets me stretching the legs midweek before a session in the gym (tomorrow!)
For those who know Newbury, its down Newtown Road, along Argyll Road, a quick circuit of City Park (toilet stop for said dogs- or roll in fox pooh - obligatory for Golda!), up Andover Road, along Monks Lane and back down Newtown - 3 miles which should take approx 40 mins,( depending on what said dogs have to sniff, and how many times Golda has to sniff out said fox pooh).
Did walk quicker today as no foxes had obliged Golda, and it was cold, so home in just over 37 mins - woohoo!

Sunday 16 January 2011

There...and back.

I decided last weekend that I needed a new challenge! My name is already down for my fourth Ridegway40..a trek of 40 miles in 14 hours across the Ridegway..but as I've done it before - 3 times- I know I can do it, so it's not really a challenge......then Suzanne had a bright idea!
A centurion Walk!! okay!! A 100 miles in 24hours.....why not?
Apparently you're not a real walker until you've done that! So, we found the website...have seen that the date is for the first weekend in July and have applied...6 months training starts now......
Today we managed 24 miles in 6 hours. We did our tried and trusted route along the Kennet and Avon Canal between Newbury and Hungerford. This is a great route for several reasons...not only is it flat, quiet and reasonably well sheltered from the elements..there is also a fab Cafe  - The Tutti Pole - which does a great bacon baguette and coffee just after the 12 mile mark!!

The weather was reasonable, although the wind was against us for the first 12 miles... and due to heavy rain during the week, the stretch between Marsh Benham and Kintbury was pure mud which slowed us down..however, on average Suzanne and I managed a respectable 4 miles an hour.

I felt suitably virtuous after doing all this exercise...but then ruined it by insisting on kebab and chips for tea to replace lost calories!
Sat 15th Jan 2010