Wednesday 2 March 2011

Fresh air.............

Met SS today, usual place, usual time! But we weren't feeling our usual selves...SS is suffering from sinusitis (get well soon) and I was suffering from a touch of much so, that the thought of a hard slog uphill for 30 minutes was not at all appealing!!

Instead, we decided to run for it, and ran along for 30 mins......I know I keep saying it, and SS agrees with me...but running IS easier, psychologically you feel that the time goes quicker, you cover distance quicker, and the endorphins ( good old 'happy hormones') get released quicker, so you begin to feel better - weird, but true!
After 30 mins of this, we were able to do a circuit of weights, before needing to refuel with a very necessary milky coffee!

Once home, as it was such a beautiful spring day, and the endorphins were still working(!!) I decided to take advantage of the fresh air and took Mali and Golda to Greenham Common where I jogged the half loop (up as far as the control tower, before cutting across the hard-standing, and passing the pickle factory) - the fresh air would have been lovely, and the scenery would have been stunning, if they hadn't  decided to have a MASSIVE bonfire right in the middle of the common.........

..and then Mali decided to 'get acquainted' with a local swan down at the lake, which took 25 mins  to get her 'unacquainted' and out of the water, before the local branch of the RSPB ( who were driving over the common  as the very same moment!!!) noticed her.....and a quick sprint back to the car.

Once back in the car.... muttering to myself about smelly dogs, achy legs, etc, etc, I began to reflect on an email my sister Beth (in Australia) sent me yesterday.

It reminded me - in a nutshell- of how blessed I am.....of how I was out running for pleasure, not for necessity, that I chose to be out in the fresh air, not because I didn't have a roof over my head,
and, despite the bonfire....that the air I was breathing, was fresh....not polluted by chemicals, poor sanitation, or over-crowding,
Makes you think.......

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