Monday 28 March 2011


Couldn't decide what to do at the gym this afternoon....I didn't really fancy a long run.....a walk seemed a bit boring....cycling is for cissies (see blog entitled "All about me"), so I did a bit of a 'woolworths', or a 'pic'n'mix'!!

10 mins treadmill - running
5  mins rowing (1000 metres in 5 mins 2 seconds, so am improving!!)
5 mins climbing machine
10 mins cross trainer
10 mins treadmill - sprinting
5  mins rowing (1000 metres in...wait for it....4 mins 58 seconds..oh yeah!!)
50 sit ups ( ugh!)
All accompanied by Jon Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga, sad, but very true!

Then home, and a 'Newbury Loop' with Mali and Golda by way of a 'stretch and cooldown'!.

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