Monday 27 June 2011

Time is flying.....

 I am going to sound incredibly old here, but time is flying by at an alarming speed!
 It only seems like five minutes ago when SS suggested a hundred mile walk was a good idea ....I must have agreed to it at some time...and here I am, 5 days away from actually walking them...
I always seem to be moaning that I don't have enough time in my life to finish my never ending 'list of to-do's'...but when talking about this in South Africa, we came to the conclusion that God thinks we have enough time, he created the days, hours, minutes, and gave each of us exactly the same amount of time, so I guess it's all down to time management.....or priorities, so, if I was organised and prioritised, I shouldn't have a problem at all!

I'm not sure if I'm organised or prioritised for these hundred miles....I've got my food bag packed (most essential as there isn't a Costa or Starbucks in sight, I've googled!!), my trainers are ready and I've researched socks......but that's about it...have we trained enough???Have we carb loaded enough???I was going to ask the question 'are we mental enough????' but thought that might be misinterpreted!! Apparently, 10% of a race is physical, 90% is mental effort......and we are mental to be doing this!!

I think we are fit enough, and SS and I were discussing this after our penultimate gym session today. We have trained, and trained and trained. We have been out walking nearly every weekend, covering distances between 8 miles at the absolute minimum and 40 miles maximum, we do weights at the gym every Wednesday as well as a cardio workout, and individually we both do more 2 or 3 times a week.....yes, we are fit enough.......but will our heads let us do 100 miles????

Today in the gym was was hot, and it was stuffy, and we both knew we had to take it steady as we are conserving energy for Saturday.....we gave weights a miss and just did 30 mins on the treadmill, and we've decided that we will do this on Wednesday as well, just to keep the legs moving, and to release the 'happy hormones'. Ideally, we should be having a 'rest week' but both SS and I get very twitchy if we do  no exercise....I was like this over the weekend...

We went to Aberdovey, and after being stuck in  a car all the way to Wales, and seeing rain on Saturday morning, I was desperate to get out for a Saturday, mid morning, Mali and I grabbed our running shoes (that's me not Mali) and headed for the beach. Once again Mali thought it was a dualathlon and decided to add swimming in (I declined) and headed for the opposite beach,  after a lot of yelling (again from me and not Mali) Mali was back on track, we did a respectable 3 miles and ended up in the coffee shop for a spot of carb loading. On Sunday morning I seemed to do the carb loading first, so needed to go and run it off, again Mali decided to Swim before run.....but we both managed a fairly fast and decent 3 miles again...not bad considering we were resting.....

And here we are.....5 days away from the big 100......I've looked at the route map, I've looked at my number - 6 if you're interested- I've seen where the toilets are, I've checked out the hotel for Friday night....all looks I guess we are relatively organised....but have I done everything on my 'to do list'...or am I still running out of time???

Well...Chris has walked the the dogs today so that can be ticked off, the lodger has put all my South Africa photos into one album for me and done some techy stuff and found  'lost' photos for me  (what a star) so that can be ticked off, emails....those can's 10.22pm, time is flying........

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