Sunday 17 April 2011


After a busy week at work, and stresses ++ with bank managers etc etc, I sent Chris and Cass up to Coventry without me this weekend, as I really needed some 'time-out'. We were all meant to be staying at our friend Lou's, mainly so Chris could go to a golf show, and so Lou and I could shop...hmmm a bit tricky without a bank account or cards.....
 I  didn't even tell SS that I was staying behind because I desperately needed a lie-in too...something that hasn't happened  on a Saturday for weeks, months, years even!
Golda had other ideas and proceeded to bark at 5.30am until I let her out.....

After 'pottering' around at home, I felt sufficiently guilty by lunchtime for not having done anything (curse SS!!) so took the dogs out on the 'Newbury Loop' to 'warm-up' and then headed to the gym for a quick work-out consisting of;
10 mins treadmill -run
10 mins treadmill-power walk
5 mins treadmill -run
5 mins treadmill power walk
5 mins treadmill warm down walk
Full circuit of weights.

By Sunday afternoon, I was feeling 'guilty' AND 'twitchy' (curse SS again!!) and realised it was because I was missing my usual Saturday walk, so after taking Golda and Mali for their walk - again the Newbury Loop (3 miles) with extra running around time in the park for Mali, I changed into trail shoes and headed to the common. Once on the common I had the 'urge' to run instead of walk and did the smaller of the loops before heading back home (after 5 miles) when to my joy, I remembered that Costa Coffee on the retail park was open til 5.30pm on a Sunday - would be rude not to...!

1 comment:

  1. Which gym do you use Jane? I need to go back...was using Northcroft till we moved to Im back....once I finish this (*****) diploma...I will be in dire need of a gym...I too enjoy walking though not in your league...but loved the odd hour at the gym and a swim after...
