Monday 25 April 2011

Early start....

So, another early start!
Met SS at the top of the road, 7am, and again we headed to the common for a 'quick circuit' before breakfast. SS was off to London for the rest of the day, and I had promised to take Cassia to Nuffield as it was an 'Open day', so we both needed to 'get a move on'...

The common was deserted.....just the odd gobby cow (four-legged variety) and a few wild ponies....and as a point of interest, we noticed that the common is deserted of rabbits at the moment. At one time when we walked around in the early mornings there would be hundreds bouncing around, but there are none to be seen - and it's Easter -which is quite money is on them adders.....

We did the full circuit, and as mentioned in a previous bog, our speed is now around 5 miles an hour, so we were in Costas as soon as, having coffee and toasted panettone with jam!

I took Cass to the gym for an hour 'taster' session, and whilst she was doing that, I made use of it myself!
I did,
10 mins treadmill - run
10 mins treadmill -uphill walk
5 mins treadmill run
10 mins treadmill power-walk.
10 mins rowing
Upper body weights.

Sunday was a 'day of rest', spent with the family in Tewkesbury, replacing lost calories by eating a roast dinner, hot cross buns and easter you do!

Today was another gym day as the Ridgeway40 looms ever nearer!
I did a big hill climb today, setting the treadmill onto hill mode, level 15 for 30 minutes, and even though I was tempted to run in the middle to ease the knots in my hips, I kept climbing to the end...hopefully, Barbury Hill, which is 7 miles into the Ridgeway should be a doddle this year!
After 30 mins on the treadmill, I decided to give one of the static bikes a go, for my brother Tim's sake, so I cycled for 30 mins, again I put it onto hill mode at level 15, which is a fairly hard and tough programme, but I did find this slightly boring and well......I did get to the end of the programme, but would have rather used other equipment if I'm honest, but according to the monitor, I had burnt 278 calories, so not too bad - it also gave me a chance to listen to my Brandon Flowers CD, this is a bit too slow to listen to for running, but ok for cycling.
I then concentrated on a set of upper body weights, before utilising my 278 calories et al in Starbucks!!

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