Tuesday 7 August 2012

Final countdown.......

Three days and 4 hours.........tick tock!
That's all the time I have left to stuff myself silly with carbs!!
This is the part of the training that I like best, where I get to eat all the foods which I'm normally telling my family or patients NOT to eat......scrummy!

Actually, that's a bit of a lie (not the telling the family/patient bit but the liking bit)...as I do actually like my training...I love being out walking, (or running as I tend to do more of now I have a dodgy hip)or in the gym...its very therapeutic zoning out and great therapy (cheaper than a shrink!) and because I'm not paying cash in hand as such (ok,ok I did just buy some new trainers..) it's a relatively cheap therapy...

To be perfectly honest...and before you think I'm a nut job....I don't really NEED therapy...I think I'm one of the few people that I know who actually LIKES their job....but everyone needs time out in some form or other....and that for me is walking/running/gyming.......it could be chocolate/gin/TV but I'm sure someone would point out that for a Cardiovascular nurse it wasn't very therapuetic......but I'm willing to try... ;-) !!

Anyways....back to the point...three days until the Dodentocht! When I first considered doing this...as an accompaniment to SS who wanted to do it....it didn't sound too scary...she has talked me into loads of things before...and to be honest...this was of a shorter mileage than some of the things she has suggested...but now....DEATH march does have a bit of a shadow hanging over it's name!

I am doing it on my own, and I don't mind admitting I am very apprehensive, and a little disappointed at the prospect..but hey ho...there are 10,000 other nutters who have applied, hopefully one of them will speak English....I can't speak Flemish...plenty of pleghm perhaps??!!

My last training was on Sunday when the dogs and I ran a respectable 6 miles (Mali is back on form so I had an unfair disadvantage ie 2 legs not 4!!) and  I had a good stretching session at pilates yesterday.......I may meet Lisa for a quick Body Attack session tonight (only because I had a huge meal with work last night which is still sitting on my muffin tops!) and then that's it....final countdown!

I may...or may not blog again before we leave for Belgium - depends if I have a free hand what with all the food I have got to stuff....

I may...or may not blog when I get back...depends whether I survive...the......DEATH MARCH!!

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