Sunday 14 August 2011


It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted on here and it's because life has been hectic....I was going to say I haven't had time but 'time' or my lack of it has been debated in a previous blog and I hate to repeat myself.....

I have been away on a church camp with 46  'little dahlings' to Corfe Castle, near Swanage, something that Chris and I have done for the last 4 years. Chris originally volunteered us ( I hit him, VERY hard), and apart from the fact that I HATE camping, and don't particularly 'get children',  I just about manage to last the week. Also, it was pointed out to me that I was doing the Lords work so should do it willingly, so that stopped me from complaining ( at least a little bit).
Anyways, camp was good, the weather was good, food was good, company was good, (being nurse I didn't poison or kill anyone, always a bonus) -  albeit very hard work.

And then I have had another birthday, so that's quite hard work, opening the stack of cards, responding to fan mail etc etc........

Actually, I had the BEST present ever this year...a MASSIVE thank you to SS and family! I absolutely adore meerkats, long before the Simples adverts came out on TV, and ages before my brother Tim liked them, even though he would have you believe otherwise....
 SS and co have bought me an 'adopt a meerkat' gift box, - I get to adopt my very own South African meerkat - how cool is that??!!
And, my out-laws have bought me the autobiography of Aleksandr Orlov, the meerkat behind the adverts.....I recommend that everyone reads this book, it's awesome!!

So that hasn't really left much time for exercise!! In the last two weeks I have done one training session, and that was yesterday with SS. Before spending the day with Chris to celebrate my birthday, and knowing that a lot of cake and chocolate was heading my way...I thought I ought to do something, so SS and I met at the top of the road and headed off to Greenham common for a the rain. It hadn't changed much! We did our circuit, and headed straight to Costas for a birthday bacon buttie and planned tactics for future training sessions.
Even though I have said I'm not doing any 'mad distances' anymore, we still want to keep our training up, and SS is always looking for a mad challenge for herself, so we plan to walk to Hungerford next week, and hope to enter a 25 mile event the week after...and after that...lets see....

Anyways, I must finish this post with my favourite quote from my new book by Aleksandr, he has my way of thinking.....

"Telling peoples what to do is one of my favourite hobbies,
so job comes naturals."

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