Monday 9 April 2012


Yes, I know I have already blogged today...but I just wanted to tell somebody.....guess what....??
I've signed up ( and paid for!!) my next challenge!!
As mentioned, I'm doing the London Moonwalk next month, well in about 4 weeks, so I needed another challenge after that to look forward (??!!) to.....

SS and I had toyed with the idea of doing the Dodentocht....and after visiting Bornem, here in Belgium, I have just signed up, and got Steve to cough up some euros via his Belgium bank account for me, so I'm pay'ed up roll on August 10th!!

Hang on a mo I hear you ask....what exactly IS the Dodentocht??

Well, translated from the Flemish, it means 'Death March' and it's an annual event (since 1971) in Bornem, walking or jogging 100km in 10 - 24 hrs....check out the website.......but SS and I think it sounds like fun.....and it passes through the Duvel beer factory would be rude not to.........

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