Monday 10 October 2011

Nuts and bolts!

I'm extremely pleased to see that the new Stryker building has finally opened its doors in Hambridge Road, Newbury!
....for those not familiar with Stryker, they are a company, or should I say a Corporation, with headquarters in Newbury, and they are, I quote from their website "leaders in the worldwide orthopaedic of the world's largest medical device companies, including joint replacement"...which is absolutely fantastic, as for Christmas, top of my wish list, is a new left hip and right knee.....and if they could throw in a couple of their famous titanium nuts and bolts, there is the odd screw loose here and there.........

Exercise is meant to do you good, but SS and I have become to suspect that the more we actually do, the more we actually fall apart at the seams, or at least feel as if we are!!. It has been suggested (and how very dare they!!) that it could be age related ie older you get = longer recovery time, but I don't know.....I just take the cod liver oil, the glucosimine, the chrondotin, the ibuprofen...... and hope that the joints last a little longer!

Pilates is making a difference. It still hurts...not as much....but strengthening 'the core' helps with the marathons we do, we breezed through a 32 miles last Saturday, in a surprising 25 degrees heatwave, and I  still had the energy to take Golda and Mali for a 3 mile circuit when I got home, and a quick 6 miles on Sunday!
What finished me off was a new class on Monday........

I haven't tried body pump for a while......for those not familiar with body pump it's basically choreographed weightlifting - but not for sissies!!
I'd read in a sports magazine that your muscles become very complacent with the same regular exercise, week in, week out, and that you need to challenge yourself. So I did.
And I could hardly move on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or Friday.
In fact, it took until today (Monday) for me to get to the gym again!! And guess what I did?!

So...please Father Christmas......may I have a new hip??

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