Wednesday 19 October 2011

Marge and Homer.......

On Sunday I had Marge and Homer Simpson come for tea.
 For those not familiar with the Simpsons, Marge is lovely bubbly with curly, wurly hair, and Homer is nice but dim with a bit of a belly.
Actually, I'm lying.
 I had Tim-my brother, and his girlfriend SJ come over, but when it was suggested that they were like Marge and Homer...well....if the cap fits etc etc!!
Tim had been on a jolly with his bike, and equally nutty friend 'Chris-orange', on a cycle ride to the Isle of Wight, round the Isle of Wight, and back to our house, to meet up with SJ, and grab a tasty meal (if I do say so myself!!), so it was great to catch up with them.......and to check out Tim's butt.....

What?? I hear you ask! If you remember, in a previous blog, I mentioned that Tim had done the mammoth task of cycling from Paris to Brest to Paris, 700 miles in something like 77 hours non-stop - all for charity - and had acquired butt blisters in the process.
I've never met anyone who has had butt blisters before...foot blisters aplenty..butt blisters sadly no!
I didn't actually check out the said blisters, but I did want to see if Tim could sit down properly.

Actually, Tim's butt did get quite an airing...not literally before you start wondering what sort of an establishment I might have, but in the verbal sense!
SS and I have often chatted about Tim's mad endeavours when we are doing one of our own, so SS knew the results of his cycle ride and his butt blisters, so when we were at Pilates, and the instructor said "clench the buttocks" SS said she could only think of Tim's butt.
So now, when the instructor says "clench the buttocks", I think of SS thinking of my brothers I told SJ about it on Sunday...she is now thinking about me thinking about SS thinking about Tim's butt...and poor Tim is wondering why ANYONE is remotely interested in his butt at all!

Anyways, moving on, we got onto the subject of challenges!
Tim reckons his next one is going to be good...cycling London to Edinburgh to London......
SJ's is pretty impressive...she has a place in the London marathon - go girl....
but I reckon I win....
I've got a place in the 2012 London Moonwalk - 26.2 miles around London in just a bra - beat that!!

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