Friday 9 September 2011


Today was the day I tried something new.

I gave pilates 'a go'.....and I never new it could hurt so much!
I was under the impression that this was a class to improve 'core stability' and perhaps strengthen my achey back, but...well... I've strengthened muscle in places I didn't expect to have muscles!

Of course it was SS's idea (when will I learn??)

We met and did our usual Wednesday morning gym routine of treadmill (I did a MASSIVE hill climb in preparation for the Cotswold Challenge), weights and coffee, and then SS had talked me into trying an hour of said Pilates.."it will be fun"...

I knew something was amiss when the instructor walked in, she looked, and sounded very scary, asked who was new, and said   'inhale and exhale, but only when I tell you to' - what?? I need permission to breathe??

It was a little confusing to start with as she kept telling us to "rock on your 'sit down bone'" ...'sit down bone'??? where in the body is the 'sit down bone'?....I had to take a sneaky peak at SS and see that she was sat on her butt knuckle....arhhh, know I know what she's on about.....and well, I survived an hour...

But it was tough! I stretched, and pulled and curled muscles that I had forgotten existed, I had to squeeze a ball with my inner thigh muscles, and stretch a glorified elastic band above my head...I had to hold my breath, and puff and pant.....and hour passed really quick...but do I ache or what!

I'm editing this blog on ribs feel bruised, I can hardly sit on my 'sit down bone' and my legs are like jelly....when I moan, sorry, mention it to anyone who will listen, I'm told that at least it worked.......

Will I listen to SS and try it again.......probably........

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