Friday 18 January 2013

Patient... no patience!

I have had a plaster cast on for 2 days and it is driving me nuts!!!
How anyone  can balance on two wobbly sticks when their centre of gravity has been compromised is beyond me....mind you, balancing is beyond me with two flat feet most times!!

I have had another MRI scan.... and despite me doing everything I was told, this fluid that has been accumulating around the joints in my foot and getting into the 'soft tissue' has got no better - at all.
The consultant is unsure why,  numerous blood tests haven't revealed anything, and I'm baffled... My trainers have cobwebs on them from lack of use... my gym membership has been cancelled.... the last time I ran a race was in August last year - just when my English Athletics number came through meaning I can carry on competing - typical!!

So..... I'm in plaster for 6-8 weeks restricting ANY load going through my foot to see if THAT works.... 

Fine for my foot, not for my mentality (or Chris' if you listen to him go on and on....!!) 
I have HUGE admiration for people with limited mobility, as this requires a lot of patience, and I was right at the end of the queue when it was dished out!

Chris keeps telling me how well he did when he was in plaster - hmmmmm...the benefit of those rose tinted glasses... I just remember having to sell my car for an automatic so that he could get to work.. and me doing everything at home as normal anyway - doh!!

 So... I've checked with DVLA and my insurers and I can use said automatic and will get back to work on Monday - at least if I can do paperwork I will be away from the persuasions of 'Jeremy Kyle' and the 'Loose Women'.. and won't be persuaded to buy a 'House under the Hammer'.......

And on the subject of no patience......
SNOW??  With crutches??  Argh !!!!

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